Hebrews 4:13 tells us that "all things are naked and exposed" to the eyes of God. Remember that in the way you pray, worship, and live. Not as a means of scaring yourself into good behavior, but rather as a means of comfort, knowing these three important things:
1) God knows me and loves me as I am while promising to make me more like Jesus daily. My worship is as compelling to Him as if I were perfect in every way. Why? Because my faith in Jesus causes him to hear the cry of His Son and my sinless savior—Jesus Christ—in my voice as I call unto Him.
2) I have the privilege of participating in His work of transformation by being fully open with Him in my prayers. I never have to run from God, only to Him—again and again.
3) This knowledge and freedom enables me to receive and engage in relationships as who I am in God's sight, not who I am in my own opinion or that of others. Being completely known and yet completely loved by God spoils us, captivated us, humbled us, and sets the standard for the way I love and receive love in all other relationships.
Living by these truths and goals will result in a more authentic and satisfying relationship with God and those whom God brings into your life. There’s no escaping His gaze, no outrunning His grace, and no denying His goodness. Be well and go far.
Jason Weathers
Prophet & Mentor
Kingdom Heritage Ministries USA