“Simeon Peter, a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ: To those who have obtained a faith of equal privilege through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” - 2 Peter 1:1 HCSB
Let that sink in for a second. We who have received Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives share the same faith and accompanying privilege as the early apostles. This means that God loves us no less than He loves them. This also means that God has not given us a faith that is any less effective than theirs. The only limitation in our version of faith when compared to that of the early apostles is found in what we believe about God’s will, His capabilities in light of modern realities, and the ultimate potential of what He has given us through Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the ancient offer of a supernaturally productive partnership with Almighty God remains on the table awaiting our awakening.
2 Chronicles 16:9 assures us of this idea. It reads, “For the eyes of the Lord search to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” This biblical text is just one of many which shakes us out of our stupor of mediocrity, forcing us to accept this sobering truth: The Bible is meant to be lived and its wonders are meant to be experienced now as they were in biblical times. Why else would we be made privy to God’s mysteries (Matt. 13:11), endowed with supernatural gifts (1 Cor. 12, Rom. 12:3-8, & Eph. 4:11-13), and told to occupy until Christ returns (Luke 19:13)? Jesus is indeed the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and through His word and Spirit He is as present and available to assist us as ever before. But like the free gift of salvation itself, Kingdom endowments of Christ’s word as recorded in the Bible are dispensed only according to our faith and willingness to receive them.
In the lives of the ones who receive God’s word as living instructions rather than as mere literature, its words will become flesh—manifest, real, tangible, personal and active. By believing and holding fast to its promises, they will walk the Spirit-led paths of the great ones of scripture. They will increasingly identify with them in their joys and sufferings, their triumphs and failures, their courageous missions and fiery persecutions, their divine encounters and revelatory trials. To the unbelieving, however, it may seem far-fetched. But to the chosen, this kind of life—that for which Christ died—is irresistible. Because, no matter its cost, this is the perpetually glorious inheritance of the sons and daughters of God. For this were we made and in this do we find strength, purpose, peace, comfort, and hope for ourselves and others. Yes, this is the privilege of those who place their trust in Jesus Christ. Will you claim it today?
Prophet Jason Weathers
Kingdom Heritage Ministries USA